Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Trees (2): Growing Our Economy with Trees

We have discussed the importance of trees to the environment in the previous article, explaining how it acts as a Carbon Sink and helping us survive on this earth. One hundred trees remove 53 tons of carbon dioxide and 430 pounds of other air pollutants per year. Simply put, trees promote life. Not only do trees produce oxygen and sequester carbon dioxide, they also provide homes for animals, recharge groundwater, replace soil nitrates, prevent erosion and more. The addition of an indigenous tree to any environment will have countless environmental benefits. That said, trees also helps us economically and socially, but we'll be discussing its economical importance.

Money does grow on trees! Fruit and olive trees can provide produce that can be used in feeding schemes or sold by schools and communities. Indigenous trees increase property values and can provide natural air conditioning for homes and classrooms. Properly cared for, Trees are valuable and growing assets worth three times the investment. They provided additional necessities such as shelter, medicine, and tools. Today, their value continues to increase and more benefits of trees are being discovered as their role expands to satisfy the needs created by our modern lifestyles.

Wood was the very first fuel, and is still used for cooking and heating by about half of the world's population. Trees provide timber for building construction, furniture manufacture, tools, sporting equipment, and thousands of household items. Wood pulp is used to make paper.

We are all aware of apples, oranges and the countless other fruits and nuts provided by trees, as well as the tasty syrup of North American sugar maples. But did you know the bark of some trees can be made into cork and is a source of chemicals and medicines? Quinine and aspirin are both made from bark extracts. The inner bark of some trees contains latex, the main ingredient of rubber. How many more uses can you name?

There are not any real disadvantages of trees speaking from the perspective of human life. The advantages of trees, however, are numerous. The public should be encourage and educated on the need to PLANT TREES and also to invest in products manufactured from trees. When we encourage local manufacturers, the economy grows and the rate of unemployment is drastically reduced. To grow SMSE, the government, companies and organisations like churches and even individuals can train mostly the YOUTHS on manufacturing products from trees such as books, photographic film, road building materials, polish, disposable medical clothing, stain remover, furniture making and many other products.

But again, it is not enough to encourage a business and FAIL to create a market for it. These products when manufactured by our YOUTHS/citizens, should be patronised by us (Nigerians). Exporting opportunities should be put in place as is done in the agricultural sector.
Tree is Life!!!!!

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