Sunday 8 September 2013

I Love Showing my Sexy Legs - Ayo Adesanya

I am a bit on the big side and I wear what fits me. I know I have good legs and  show them off. I find my legs sexy and I wear things that show them off too. I wear miniskirts and shorts when necessary.

I am lucky I have a good skin. I have used a couple of creams some worked, some didn't. My problem is my face because anytime I stay in the sun for too long, I break out! Unfortunately, I produce movies and could be in the sun working. Already, I am learning to deal with it.

Another shot at marriage?

I was never married to Goriola Hassan. We lived together and had a child. He is nine years old now.


I don't want to talk about that. I have moved on and I guess he has moved on too. I am still young (in my 40s) and will definitely get married someday. But I am still learning because there are many things I need to know.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.


  1. says she's young. I think I'm dreaming, at 40's

  2. Don't mind her....older than my mum and still acting like my age mate
