Thursday 29 August 2013

Google kicks off ‘Africa Connected’ Competition

For those who have been positively influenced by the internet, here's a chance to share your web journey. Google is calling on entrepreneurs, creators, innovators and web-lovers in Nigeria and across Africa to share their stories of how the web has transformed their lives and work. 

Whether you're a photographer, an entrepreneur, a fashion designer or a community activist, if the
internet and Google tools have played an important role in your success, Google wants to hear from you.

In the next five years, 7 out of the world's 10 fastest growing economies are predicted to be in Africa, and the Internet is playing an important part in this.

Google's new initiative, 'Africa Connected: Success stories powered by the web', aims to gather the largest collection of inspiring stories about ventures established online by Africans, in Africa.  Five successful entrants will win $25,000 each, and will also have the opportunity to work with a Google sponsor over a six-month period.

This opportunity should be harnessed by the youths and lovers of the web.....Enjoy!!!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

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